From the Editor's Desk | #30
CADET is a bi-annual magazine about West Point culture.
Highly independent, quite unofficial, aggressively dedicated.
Based in DC @chrisWpestel @carolinepestel
Things from the Desk of the Editor-in-Chief
A GRAND WEEK FOR THE GLEE CLUB if anyone, any team, any club is planning on having a MONUMENTAL WEEK, like the one the GLEE CLUB recently had, please let us know because we’d love to help tell that story. WOWZERS. GRAND. More links: HERE, HERE and HERE.
RUFUS HYMAN USMA 1948 check out THESE PHOTOS (by USMA86’s Rick French) from from the service held at Arlington National Cemetery for USMA 1948’s Rufus Hyman
TRAIN STATION & HAIRCUTS for the folks who have been yearning to combine haircuts and train stations, you’re in LUCK
ALWAYS BEAT NAVY this is TOO GOOD not to share. As well as this VICTORY and this wonderful THROWBACK to an Army Football win over Navy in 2001.ICONIC…
…ARCHITECTURE check out this list of iconic CHICAGO BUILDINGS (where we used to live & work). Then check out this list of iconic WASHINGTON, D.C. BUILDINGS (where we currently live & work). Now, while an iconic USMA article doesn’t exist (…yet) here’s a primer on GARGOYLES and GROTESQUES.
A WEEKEND IN THE HUDSON VALLEY A few weekends ago we took a much needed mini vacation, and decided to spend it in THE HUDSON VALLEY. We made @thethayerhotel our home base, and between our suite, sunset drinks on the Hudson at Zulu Time and their must-go SUNDAY CHAMPAGNE BRUNCH, we couldn’t have had a more enjoyable stay. We spent the days exploring the insanely beautiful surrounding area (that we as cadets never took advantage of) including visits to the epic and down-right inspiring 500+ acre @stormkingartcenter , @angryorchardwalden (who knew that was so close to West Point!?!?) and the @applewoodwinery where we stocked up on wine, taste tested ciders and took some patriotic portraits. Every time we visit the Thayer we come away with a new experience that reconnects us to West Point. We’re ready to get back.
PACMAN’S GHOSTLY ASSEMBLAGE did you know the GHOSTS’ SECRET STRATEGY IN PAC MAN? This video got me thinking of creating a mock USMA version of PacMan called, I don’t know, CenturyMan? Eat up those hours! Maybe the ghosts are TACs?? Might be on to something here.
CONTRIBUTOR PREVIEW be sure to follow us on FACEBOOK and TWITTER and INSTAGRAM as we will begin previewing VOL IV of CADET over the next few weeks. We have yet again, another 20+ contributors from the West Point community. We’ve reached all the way back to the class of 1967 this time around.
AS AMERICAN AS so, as a kid I loved baseball. As a cadet we studied the Civil War. As an adult I’ve grown to enjoy me some jazz music. Its really no surprise that I would love THIS PODCAST WITH GUEST KEN BURNS. It’s tremendously uplifting and inspiring how much care and patience he weaves into his process. I am currently watching he 18-hour series on VIETNAM.
THE ART OF THE MIXTAPE speaking of Vietnam, check out this TWO PART SERIES on the impact of the VIETNAM WAR on music and the impact of music on the Vietnam War. .
HERE’S TWO BOOKS that caught my attention this week - looking forward to getting my hands on THIS PHOTO BOOK ON ASYLUMS and THIS ECONOMICS BOOK THAT PUTS PEOPLE FIRST
FROM THE FAR EAST well, AOG’s “ON THIS DAY” project continues to impress. Today’s example is THE LETTER and if that’s not enough, check out THIS post.
West Point 100: CREATORS
DANNY’S SONG there’s no substitute for DANNY WILD’S PHOTOS of the Hudson Valley Area. And despite the outcome of the game, I also love THIS PHOTO.
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