From the Editor's Desk | #7
Things from the Desk of the Editor-in-Chief
CADET is a bi-annual, self-published, independent magazine and online publication about West Point.
created by 2 USMA grads @chrisWpestel @carolinepestel
For Your Eyeballs
ALPHABET Check out this daily series by USMA 2013’s Hannah Benevento over on Instagram. She is a talented and dedicated illustrator. We love illustrators here at CADET and are excited to work with them. In fact we are working on a 2019 Distinguished Graduates Series with a current cadet who has a penchant for digital illustration. Stay tuned!
USMA GOSPEL CHOIR In case you missed it, here is a moving rendition of Lean on Me from the USMA Gospel Choir from the Flipper Award dinner.
BREAD CRUMBS I am adding Soul Survivor’s Expressway to Your Heart to my 2019 playlist (as well as JJ Jackson’s But it’s Alright) because we heard it in the car on Monday, on a random Maryland radio station, then two days later desperately tried to remember what song were heard by searching through YouTube and Time Life’s Soul and Motown collections only to have the lyrics of the song pop into my head haphazardly within 5 minutes of giving up my copious search.
For Every Heart…in Gray
ARMY SPORTS WRAP-UP okay, buckle-up, here we go: It was a big weekend for Army sports. What a start for the ARMY MEN’S & WOMEN’S LAX programs. The Women are off to an amazing start and the men continue to climb the national rankings. ARMY FOOTBALL has released its spring schedule which commences on March 7th and culminates on April 12th with the Spring Game scrimmage THE IKE AWARDS are a thing and you can check them out here. and while you’re at it, here is an ARMY-NAVY star match check-in.
100TH NIGHT the annual tradition of highlighting 100 days until graduation was this past weekend. While the actual 100th night was last Thursday (Valentine’s Day) the 100th Night celebration took place Saturday evening, with dinner, dance and 100th Night show.
The Matrix
The Design of Things
SUNDAY True Detective
MONDAY Hidden Brain Podcast
TUESDAY 99% Invisible Podcast + Honest Trailers
WEDNESDAY Freakonomics Podcast + Chase Jarvis Podcast + Song Exploder
THURSDAY Web Designer Depot eNewsletter
FRIDAY Austin Kleon’s eNewsletter + Stack Magazine Podcast + Alien’s Guide (Earthling Cinema)
West Point 100
HOP VOYAGERS Is a husband (Sam Kazmer USMA 2011) and wife team who are all about craft beer. Sign-up for their eNewsletter here.
LONG GRAY LESSONS is a Blog by USMA 2016’s Tom Le. He recently had the opportunity to interview USMA 1990’s LTG Nadia West you can check it out here.
FUTURE OF MEAT This past week’s Freakonomics episode talked about Meat and its future and something called Impossible Foods which is aiming to create a plant-based meat substitute. Nothing new, really…but its a good look at the hows and whys of an effort like that with good points made by both sides of the argument. I took away a nice “upscaling” analogy that links to last weeks “From the Editor” and our new side-project Instagram account.
ARMY-NAVY BASKETBALL DOUBLEHEADER we spent last Saturday behind enemy lines. We took the opportunity as we watched the women #BEATnavy to make the confusing image in this weeks header (also below and here) inspired by the Instagram Account @pellecass
THAYER HOTEL We were featured on Thayer Hotel’s Instagram this week. That’s pretty cool.
CADET - The Magazine
SUBSCRIPTIONS ARE HERE that’s right, you can now simplify your life and automatically receive each and every new VOLUME of CADET with one click of a button. It’s a pretty big deal and we are excited to take this next step as a publication. We need your help spreading the word, so tell your friends.
BUNKER LABS DC MUSTER we got the chance to hold court and talk about CADET with entrepreneurs and supporters of entrepreneurship (many of which were old grads) this past Tuesday at the Bunker Labs DC Muster at District Winery in Washington, D.C.
VOL III COLLABORATORS PREVIEW Take a peak at who we collaborated with ahead of the release of VOL III of CADET.
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