From the Editor's Desk | #20
CADET is a bi-annual magazine about West Point culture.
Highly independent, quite unofficial, aggressively dedicated.
Based in DC @chrisWpestel @carolinepestel
Things from the Desk of the Editor-in-Chief
ACRONYM SEASON graduation is over, and new cadets are on the horizon. This means it’s acronym season. From CBT to AIADs and PIADS and MIADS with CTLT and CDLT. And maybe most importantly lets not forget those at STAP being managed by those pulling SGR down in CGR trying to locate an S-4 to get MREs out to CFT…FUBAR. Summer’s at West Point can be trying for the uninitiated and especially for families trying to sort it all out.
DEVASTATING NEWS on a serious, and unfortunately somber note, we were all struck with dread as news broke early yesterday morning about an overturned vehicle transporting cadet cadre during a field training exercise. As of this post there was news of 1 death and 22 injured. This is tragic news and our hearts break for the family of cadet Christopher Morgan, his family (his younger brother is reportedly part of the incoming class of 2023) and friends and the entire West Point community.
GRIP HANDS click here to support the Morgan family
TAPS VIGIL a Taps Vigil is a solemn and haunting event. It is impactful and important. Click here to read about the Taps Vigil (circa 2001) and click here to read other accounts I can still recall the piercing feeling of being at the Taps Vigil for my Army Football teammate, Anthony Bruce Miller class of 2004. The very thought of that silence brings me to a standstill.
2018-2019 YEAR-IN-REVIEW
FROM R-DAY TO HAT TOSS next week we will share our 2018-19 year-in-review. We are excited to look back on the year and can’t wait to share it with you. Stay tuned to our BLOG FEED.
LW199 AIAD ROADTRIP cadets in the law department have embarked on an epic civil rights road trip. Be sure to FOLLOW THEM ON INSTAGRAM and on their USMA CIVIL RIGHTS BLOG to stay up to speed with their travels and life lessons learned. This course/AIAD is an intense immersive interdisciplinary learning experience for cadets to the important locations of the Civil Rights Movement. Cadets will embark on a two-week trip to a number of locations, including: Virginia, Florida, Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi before heading West, North and then back home to West Point. This trip will be the subject of a film that will be shot during the staff ride by cadets and instructors.
USMA’S D-DAY CLASS it’s wild to think about graduation day during the early 40’s. But to actually GRADUATE ON D-DAY, that’s something else entirely. And to top it all off, some firstie’s roommate’s dad was Dwight Eisenhower.
PVT JAMES FRANCIS RYAN BACK ON THE BIG SCREEN did you get to theaters to relive the full cinematic experience that was Saving Private Ryan on the big screen? I did, it was a remarkable experience. I think I can honestly say it was the first time I truly saw the movie for what it is - chaos with clarity, a massive set piece with striking intimacy. Here’s some film analysis BY CINEFIX and another on a technique Spielberg used to CAPTURED THE ESSENCE OF D-DAY and how he CAPTURES THE TENSION OF SUCCESS AND FAILURE there’s one more video out there about Tom Hanks’ hand shake that I couldn’t find (I am writing this in case I come across it, maybe I’ll remember to add it here).
ZERO BLOG THIRTY’S LIVE TWEET this effort was a REVERIE-INDUCING WAY to remember and reflect, in real time, on the reality of June 6, 1944
A DIFFERENT HANDSHAKE this POST ON INSTAGRAM is a moment that is so very thought-provoking, quite remarkable and truly unbelievable.
CLOSER = BETTER: CAPA’S 11,000 WORDS one interpretation of Robert Capa’s famous photography quote “If your pictures aren’t good enough, you aren’t close enough” postulate that the “close enough” part is not necessarily about physical distance (which I tend to agree with), rather its about emotional distance. Either way, Capa’s D-Day photos (only 11 survived) are a remarkable testament to this legendary quote.
WWII CASUALTIES BY-THE-NUMBERS data visualization of the casualties of WWII
HEAR IKE’S WORDS take a listen to the letter announcing the D-Day invasion
USMA CLASS CRESTS thanks to the reservoir of Howitzers available on the digital archive I was able to catalogue USMA class crests back to 1897. I was a little surprised how difficult it is to find some of the crests. This USMA LIBRARY DIGITAL ARCHIVE is currently my favorite thing on the internet concerning West Point. Happy digging
USMA ‘78 CLASS WEBSITE SETS THE STANDARD while perusing AOGs website during the aftermath of the All-Academy Challenge, I came across the class website for USMA ‘78. Its fantastic. They have taken the proper care and put forth remarkable time and resources to create a hub of legacy. Well Done, ‘78, well done.
TELL US ABOUT A CREATOR do you create something? do you know a West Pointer (cadet, grad, family member or community member) who is creating something wild and/or wonderful? We need to know about it. Tell us here: WEST POINT 100: CREATORS
A SLEW OF GOOD LISTENS this past week I encountered a resurgence of applicable podcasts. The Automat and Mexico City’s water Crisis, Dealing with Procrastination and Changing One’s Mind, Sonic Illusions and a great Austin Kleon - Chase Jarvis dialogue. Over the past few weeks, things began to feel stale for me. Had I become boring? Or is that just the nature of things? Do you find yourself resonating less with stimuli from time to time?
Class Crest
USMA 1944